Almost all apps that deal with data, use a tree structure. We can't seem to get out of using trees, and sure enough they are very efficient, albeit rigid. When we wanted to break away from trees, someone invented tags, and later, hashtags. These were connected by an intelligent search engine and made the tree hierarchy seem more fluid and agile. Really, all we did was link different branches of the same tree faster. Of course what I have just described is abstract and not accurate, but to some degree, for most of us, this is how it feels. Our relationship to data is defined by a restrictive structure, a search engine, and links.
When a new app comes out, the only thing they have to compete with is that they come with a better way to link things, or a better way to search things. The tree remains the same. Very few offer a new relationship to our data or a new tree. Sadly, even with mindmapping, they seem to be in trees, and very few creators have broke away from Tony Buzan's prescribed method of mindmapping from the early 2000s.
The tree system works well enough to find data, but it fails when it comes to representing our mental model. If we subscribe to the idea that "I think therefore I am", then this data should represent oneself. Our data represents who we are and it should be worn as natural as our clothing. Like our homes, the space we live in becomes a part of us, recreates us and changes us.
Inclr is a step away from all that tree stuff. We differentiate and compete by offering a new relationship to your data. Using muscle memory, interaction, and visual and spatial graphics, your data is structured differently, more intuitively and hence how you understanding your data will inherently be different. Simply put, the way we map the mind is different.
Imagine this, a layer between raw data and something useful / an end result. In this in-between space is your chance to find an emotional connection to your data. What every other software wants you to do is follow boring old trees and endless lists. What Inclr tries to do, is say, "Hey, it can be much more exciting", and then serve it to you with endless possibilities and opportunities.
Inclr's proposition is providing an emotional opportunity to connect with your data.
This article reminds me of a very important organ hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing. Somehow it acts very much liken Inclr. Please check out this 👇
Maybe you will have some new insights about Inclr. :)
Katherine Li